Amherst College Club of Amherst

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Waff's Game Tabulation
Bob Tholkes RIM Tabulation

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Nick Name Amherst College
Earliest Known Date 1859
Location Amherst, MA, United States
Nine Class Senior

In the first intercollegiate baseball game ever played, Amherst defeats Williams 73-32 in 26 innings, played under the Massachusetts Game rules, 13 a side, July 1, 1859. The contest is staged in Pittsfield, Massachusetts, a neutral site, at the invitation of the Pittsfield Base Ball Club. See Cutting, "Amherst College" p. 113

The two schools also competed at chess that weekend. A two-page broadsheet tells of Amherst taking on Williams in both base ball and chess. Headline: "Muscle and mind!"

The New York Clipper thought that the game's wimpy ball lessened the fun: "The ball used by Amherst was small, soft, and with so little elasticity that a hard throw upon the floor would cause of rebound of scarcely a foot." Ryczek goes on to say that the ball, while more suitable for plugging than the Association ball, detracted from the excitement of the game because it was not or could not be hit or thrown far.

See protoball entry 1859.1.


Pittsfield Sun, July 7, 1859. Protoball entry 1859.1., Block, p. 219. Ryczek, p. 127.

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Found by Bruce Allardice
Entered by Bruce Allardice

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1858 1 Played 0 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied
1859 2 Played 2 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied
1860 2 Played 2 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied
1869 1 Played 1 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1858-11-09 Amherst MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Amherst College Club of Amherst 44 - 49 Amherst, MA Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1859-06-25 Amherst MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Club of North Amherst 51 - 17 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1859-06-30 Pittsfield MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Williams College Club of Williamstown 73 - 32 Pittsfield, MA Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1860-06-30 Amherst MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Club of North Amherst 50 - 20 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1860-07-04 Westfield MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Williams College Club of Williamstown 70 - 40 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1869-06-25 Amherst MA Amherst College Club of Amherst Williams College Club of Williamstown 28 - 21 Steve Rennie
Ballgames with Scores: 6, Average Runs: 41.25, Average Winning Runs: 53.50, Average Losing Runs: 29.00

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Player Years Roles Edit Association with Club
Henry Hyde 1859
J.A. Leach 1859
J.H. Evans 1859
Marshall Cushman 1859

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