Club of Naperville

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Nick Name Naperville
Earliest Known Date 1870
Location Naperville, IL, United States
Nine Class Senior

The Naperville clarion, March 9, 1870, announces the formation of this club, with J. M. Ogden as president.

Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1870: "The Garden Citys made an excursion to Naperville, yesterday, and in the afternoon played a game with the club of that village..." The article gives a box score, with the Chicago team beating the Naperville team 75 to 22. The names of the players are given.

The Naperville club was accused by neighboring towns of being semi-pro, at least, if not wholly professional. It voted to disband itself on Oct. 26, 1870, the day after its "first annual ball" to raise money.

The Naperville Clarion, June 29, 1870, has a long article on this game. It says the loss was expected, as Garden City had a great reputation. Interestingly, not long thereafter three Garden City players started playing for the Naperville team. The Clarion Sept. 28, 1870 says that Naperville only lost one of the 17 games it had played that year, to Aurora, and that they'd avenged the defeat. There was one forfeit. They played Aurora on the 24th. The Naperville games were played on the Court House grounds (today, Central Park).

The Clarion for 1870 is on microfilm at the Naperville Public Library, and contains reports of many games, especially games against the team from their arch-rival city Wheaton. They also played Plainfield, Danby, Aurora, Batavia, and Lemont that year. Players included a member of the city-founding Naper family.

On May 10, 1872, at a meeting of the NBCC, N. Gross was elected president and J. M. Ogden, VP. As early as Sept. 14, 1870, Powell's store in Naperville was advertising for sale Score-sheets, Bats, Dead Balls, etc.

The fast-growing city of Naperville is west of Chicago.


Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1870. Naperville Clarion, March 9, 1870, April 27, Nov. 2, 1870

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Found by Bruce Allardice
Entered by Bruce Allardice
First in Location Naperville, IL

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1870 17 Played 12 Won 2 Lost 1 Tied


Page Date City State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1870-04-23 Naperville IL Club of Naperville Club of Wheaton 35 - 19 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-05-07 Wheaton IL Club of Wheaton Club of Naperville 28 - 42 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-05-21 Naperville IL Club of Naperville Aurora Base Ball Club 27 - 27 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-05-30 Plainfield IL Base Ball Club of Plainfield Club of Naperville 24 - 35 Plainfield, IL Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-06-04 Aurora IL Aurora Base Ball Club Club of Naperville 13 - 39 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-06-11 Naperville IL Base Ball Club of Plainfield Club of Naperville 17 - 35 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-06-25 Naperville IL Club of Naperville Garden City Base Ball Club of Chicago 22 - 73 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-07-18 Danby IL Club of Danby, IL Club of Naperville 33 - 50 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-07-25 Lemont IL Marble City Club of Lemont Club of Naperville 35 - 43 Lemont, IL Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-07-30 Lemont IL Marble City Club of Lemont Club of Naperville 31 - 38 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-08 Naperville IL Club of Naperville Picked Nine of Naperville 6 - 2 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-08-27 Naperville IL Club of Naperville Active Club of St. Charles Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-09 St. Charles IL Active Club of St. Charles Club of Naperville 27 - 30 St. Charles, IL Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-09-03 Danby IL Club of Danby, IL Club of Naperville Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-09-10 St. Charles IL Active Club of St. Charles Club of Naperville 27 - 50 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-09-24 Aurora IL Aurora Base Ball Club Club of Naperville 30 - 26 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1870-10-24 Aurora IL Aurora Base Ball Club Club of Naperville 20 - 31 Bruce Allardice
Ballgames with Scores: 15, Average Runs: 30.50, Average Winning Runs: 37.60, Average Losing Runs: 23.40

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Playing Fields

Field Years Edit Association with Club
Naperville Courthouse 1870s

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