Atwater Club of Westfield, MA

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Waff's Game Tabulation
Bob Tholkes RIM Tabulation

Awaiting Review
Nick Name Atwater Club
Earliest Known Date Tuesday, June 1, 1858 (Foundation Date)-- Date the club was organized
Location Westfield, MA, United States
Nine Class Senior

Adopted the New York Rules and Regulations for playing base ball.

A concise log of the games of the Atwaters appears in Daniel Genovese, The Old Ball Ground: The Chronological History of Westfield Baseball (Infinity, , 2004), pages 27-41.

Historian Brian Turner, in The Hurrah Game, is credited for first noting that the Atwaters played by the New York game rules, as noted in game summaries: "The [Atwater] game is played according to the standard rules of the New York clubs, and is therefore, altogether different from the base ball common in this state." [sabrpedia]


"Base Ball in Massachusetts," NYC, Vol 6, No 18, (August 21, 1858), p 7, col 1

Has Source On Hand Yes

President - George W. Durant

Secretary  - John Atwater

Captain - H.G. Gates

Umpire and Treasurer - George L. Lafin



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Found by Eric Miklich
Entered by Eric Miklich
First in Location Westfield, MA

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1858 6 Played 2 Won 2 Lost 0 Tied
1859 2 Played 1 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1858-05-29 Westfield MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Westfield, MA
Ballgame 1858-08-11 Northampton MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Nonotuck Club of Northampton 36 - 2 Northampton, MA Craig Waff
Ballgame 1858-09-22 Westfield MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA 32 - 24 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1858-10-04 Springfield MA Pioneer Club of Springfield Atwater Club of Westfield, MA 29 - 15 Craig Waff
Ballgame 1858-10-20 Westfield MA Pioneer Club of Springfield Atwater Club of Westfield, MA 11 - 12 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1858-10-25 Springfield MA Pioneer Club of Springfield Atwater Club of Westfield, MA 18 - 9 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1859-09-02 Westfield MA Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Union Club of Northampton 30 - 20 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1859-10-14 Northampton MA Union Club of Northampton Atwater Club of Westfield, MA Bruce Allardice
Ballgames with Scores: 6, Average Runs: 19.83, Average Winning Runs: 26.17, Average Losing Runs: 13.50

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Player Years Roles Edit Association with Club
F.A. Winn 1858
H.G. Gates 1858 Initial Officer, Key Player
J. Clemens 1858
L.C. Curtis 1858
M.N. Day 1858
O. Reed 1858
T. Tobey 1858
T.M. Cooley 1858
William Loomis 1858

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