Alert Club of Philadelphia

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About Pre-pro
Waff's Game Tabulation
Bob Tholkes RIM Tabulation

Awaiting Review
Nick Name Alert
Earliest Known Date 1865
Location Philadelphia, PA, United States
Nine Class Senior

Peverelly (1866) pp. 504-505 lists the following clubs as being from Philadelphia and members of the National Association: Alvin, Alert, Amateur, Athenian, Armstrong, Arctic, Awkward, Bachelor, Chestnut St. Theatre, Commonwealth, Dirigo, First Ward, Gymnast, Kensington, Korndaffer, Leisure, National, Orion, Junior Randall,Raleigh, Rittenhouse, Typographical, Western Market--plus other, well known, teams, such as the Athletic, Equity, Harry Clay, Keystone, and Olympic.


Peverelly (1866) pp. 504-505

Philadelphia Inquirer, Aug. 31, 1865

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Found by Bruce Allardice
Entered by Bruce Allardice

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1865 4 Played 1 Won 2 Lost 0 Tied
1866 3 Played 1 Won 2 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City Borough State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1865-10-13 Philadelphia PA Alert Club of Philadelphia Club of Philadelphia Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-10-23 Camden NJ Club of Philadelphia Alert Club of Philadelphia 40 - 11 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-11-18 Philadelphia PA Club of Philadelphia Alert Club of Philadelphia 50 - 31 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1865-11-23 Philadelphia PA Avenue Club of Philadelphia Alert Club of Philadelphia 16 - 27 Bob Tholkes
Ballgame 1866-06-09 Haddonfield NJ Alert Club of Philadelphia Haddon Club of Haddonfield 32 - 31 Haddonfield, NJ Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-07-16 Philadelphia PA Athletic Club of Philadelphia Alert Club of Philadelphia 67 - 25 Bruce Allardice
Ballgame 1866-08-11 Philadelphia PA Alert Club of Philadelphia Athletic Club of Philadelphia 5 - 100 Bruce Allardice
Ballgames with Scores: 6, Average Runs: 36.25, Average Winning Runs: 52.67, Average Losing Runs: 19.83

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