Norwegian Ball

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Game Norwegian Ball
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This game is mentioned, along with Swede Ball in a 1908 book on North Dakota folkways. Said to be taught to local children by Swedish newcomers and a Swedish teacher, the game is only depicted as being “played somewhat like ‘one old cat.’” It seems conceivable that this game is Brannboll. Maigaard (1941) notes a Norwegian form of Long Ball, noted as “probably recent,” that uniquely uses a field that resembles baseball’s use of a 90-degree fair territory delimitation.


Collections of the State Historical Society, Volume 2 (State Printers and  Binders, Bismark ND, 1908), pages 213-214.

Per Maigaard, "Battingball Games," Genus 5 (1941); see Block, Appendix 6, page 263.

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