Clipper Base Ball Club of Nashua

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About Pre-pro
Waff's Game Tabulation
Bob Tholkes RIM Tabulation

Awaiting Review
Nick Name Clippers
Earliest Known Date Tuesday, September 7, 1869
Location Nashua, NH, United States
Nine Class Senior

First known game: September 7, 1869, vs. the Riversides of Nashua.

The Clipper BBC was made up of former members of the Lafayettes and Hunky Dorys.

On October 11, 1869, the Clippers challenged Riverside to a game, which was played October 16; score not available.

In February 1870, the Clippers appeared at a ball in their new uniforms.  The uniforms were of flannel, the shirts white with a blue shield, upon which was the letter C.  Belts were white with "Clipper B.B.C." in blue. Pants were dark blue with a white stripe, and shoes were white. (description from Nashua Daily Telegraph, Feb. 23, 1870).



Nashua Daily Telegraph of: September 7, September 13, and October 12, 1869,  February 23, 1870.

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Found by Brian Sheehy
Entered by Mark Pestana

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1869 1 Played 1 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied
1870 1 Played 0 Won 1 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1869-09-11 Nashua NH Resolute Club of Nashua Clipper Base Ball Club of Nashua 3 - 27 Brian Sheehy
Ballgame 1870-04-16 Nashua NH Riverside Base Ball Club of Nashua Clipper Base Ball Club of Nashua 43 - 35 Brian Sheehy
Ballgames with Scores: 2, Average Runs: 27.00, Average Winning Runs: 35.00, Average Losing Runs: 19.00

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Player Years Roles Edit Association with Club
Albert Blodgett 1870
Benjamin Scales 1870
Edward Allen 1870
George Livingstone 1870 Key Player
Gustavus Scales 1870
John Eaton 1870
John Galvin 1870
Lorenzo Eaton 1870
Silvius Holbrook 1870

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