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Pages in category "Articles"
The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total.
- Ballplaying by Civil War Soldiers 1.0
- Ballplaying in Civil War Camps
- Base Ball Fever
- Base Ball on the Field, 1858-1865
- Baseball Making Notes
- Beachville Deconstruction (The New York Game Comes to Canada)
- Bob Tholkes Condenses Key 19CBB Postings in December 2012
- Bruce Allardice Find Stories, October 2013
- NER Project Overview
- New England Woman Observes Ball Play in Norfolk, Virginia in 1802
- New Englander Confronts Impious Sunday Ball-playing in Virginia
- Next Destin'd Post, April 2013
- Next Destin'd Post, August 2013
- Notes on the History and Evolution of Stoolball
- Number of Known BB Clubs in 40 Largest US Cities, 1870 3.0
- Number of Known BB Clubs in 40 Largest US Cities, 1870 5.0
- Randall Brown's Find of the Wheaton Account -- Before the Knickerbockers
- Research Bibliography for Early Base Ball
- Richard Hershberger Interview, October 2013
- Rounders: A Game That "Gets No Respect"
- Rounders: Baseball's True Origin?
- Rules of the Massachusetts Association of Base Ball Players
- Runs, Runs and More Runs: Baseball 1866-1870. By the Numbers
- Ten-Position Base Ball
- The 20 Rules of the Knickerbocker Base Ball Club
- The Backstop
- The Beneficiaries
- The Big Tours
- The Early Sporting Press in New England 1.0
- The Evolution of the Baseball Up To 1872
- The First Baseball Game In Mexico
- The Grounds
- The Massachusetts Game
- The New Dominion Club of Ottawa: The First Organized Ballclub in Canada’s Capital
- The Next Destin'd Post, January 2013
- The Next Destin'd Post, June 2013
- The Play-Testing of Early Base Ball Rule Modifications, version 1.0
- The Spread of Base Ball in the Pacific Northwest
- The Spread of Base Ball, 1859 - 1870
- The Spread of Early Base Ball in Illinois to 1870
- The Story of George Thompson’s 1823 Find -- "Base Ball" in NYC!
- The Story of George Thompson’s 1823 Find --- Base Ball in New York City
- Tom Altherr Contemplates His Favorite Finds
- Towards A Definition Of Baseball