19CBB Digest, March 2013

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by Bob Tholkes, April 2013

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Bob Tholkes’ Recaps of Recent 19CBB Discussions

19cBB] Home Base. Bob Tholkes posted a January, 1859 New York Sunday Mercury note that a base ball club official had opened a "dining saloon" called "Home Base". Donald Jensen, Peter Mancuso, and Richard Hershberger added information about the club and the site. Interestingly, there is no record that the club, the "Phanton Base Ball Club" ever played a game.

[19cBB] Indoor practice facility, 1860. Responding to a January post about an indoor practice facility extant in 1860, Tom Shieber posted a note from an English cricket contact that indoor facilities with nets had appeared in England by at least 1839.

[19cBB] Rankin's early players all-America team. Richard Hershberger posted a 1911 Rankin listing of a sort of all-amateur era all-star team, all familiar names to John Thorn and Bob Tholkes except for one pitcher, Tommy Watts.

[19cBB] First Baseball Club in Cincinnati. John Thorn posted an 1882 note indicating that the Live Oak of Cincinnati was the first base ball (as opposed to town ball) club there, in 1864, and asked if this is correct. Richard Hershberger had not seen any material so confirming.

[19cBB] “Explain this play to me.” Richard Hershberger posted an 1863 New York Sunday Mercury description of a play, and requested interpretation. Bob Tholkes, Eric Miklich, Paul Proia, Cliff Blau, Brad Shaw, Jack Little, Gary Goldberg-O'Maxfield, and Ed Shuman offered assistance.

[19cBB] A base ball club of girls in Peterboro. Richard Hershberger posted an 1868 Philadelphia City Item note about a girls' base ball club. Deb Shattuck provided further info about the tiem and her related research.

[19cBB] Pitcher's intent. Paul Hunkele posted two quotes indicating that "feeder" pitching had yielded to swift pitching, or at least pitching intended to make it difficult for batters to hit successfully, has not a part of New York Rules base ball from its beginning, and asked for indications to the contrary. Richard Hershberger, Paul, John Thorn, and Bob Tholkes contributed opinions and elaborations.

[19cBB] Home Run Polka (1867). Peter Mancuso posted an inquiry from a non-member for interpretation of the image of a ball game illustrating a sheet-music cover. Richard Hershberger sent his conclusion that the artist was unfamiliar with the game and so made several errors in its illustration.

[19cBB] First post-game player quote? Bob Tholkes posted a post-game quote from a player about a game which appeared in an 1865 newspaper account, noting that it was the first such he recalled seeing.

[19cBB] Baseball on the stage. Bob Tholkes posted an 1865 newspaper account of a planned stage comedy act in New York about baseball, possibly the earliest such thing. Deb Shatner shared notes about female stage performers in baseball roles at slightly later dates.

[19cBB] Christmas baseball on the prairie (1858). Deb Shatner posted a note about all-day ball play, including "base ball" in quotes, in Emporia, KS

[19cBB] Batting out of turn. A post by Richard Hershberger about a rule change of 1869 regarding batting out of turn fostered an exchange among Richard, Marcus Dickson, Jack Little, Bob Tholkes, and John Thorn about that topic and about the evolution of batting orders in the 1850s,.


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