First Games Played by Unsighted Players

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Pre-pro Baseball

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Awaiting Review
Date 1964
Location Colorado Springs, CO, United States

[A] "But then, in 1964, an apparent solution to the frustration of not being able to play baseball because of being blind was discovered. Charley Fairbanks, an engineer with Mountain Bell Telephone, presented the blind community with a momentous gift, the first beep baseball. He implanted a small beeping sound module inside a normal sized softball. Some basic playing rules were devised by a group of service oriented telephone employees who have a nationwide organization known as the Telephone Pioneers of America. The Pioneers also devised a set of knee- high, cone shaped, rubber bases that contained electrically powered sounding units that emitted a high pitched whistle. That laid the foundation for the initial experimentations with beep baseball.

Various schools for the blind introduced this newest form the baseball for the unsighted."

[B] "It all started in February 1964 in Colorado Springs, Colorado. A softball with an audio tone was requested by the principal of the Colorado Springs School for the Blind. The principal wanted a softball that could be used by visually impaired children. The Columbine Council of Telecom Pioneers responded to the request. Charlie Fairbanks was a telephone engineer for Mountain Bell (now Qwest) in Denver when he designed the first audio ball to be used by students at the Colorado School for the Blind . . . "



[A] Website of the National Beep-Ball Association, accessed 3/8/2010.



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