Bruce Allardice
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First Name | Bruce |
Last Name | Allardice |
Location | Chicago |
Regional Focus | Chicago;US South;Illinois |
Special Interest | Civil War Era |
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Active | Yes |
Essays and Articles
- The Spread of Base Ball, 1859 - 1870 by Bruce Allardice
- Some New Data on the Spread of Base Ball in the United States (Version 1.0, 9/26/2013)
- Internet Search Tips by Bruce Allardice
- Bruce Allardice Find Stories, October 2013 by Bruce Allardice
- The Spread of Early Base Ball in Illinois to 1870 by Bruce Allardice
- Tracking and Explaining the Spread of Modern Base Ball in Illinois, 1858-1870
- Cricket and the Rise of Baseball by Bruce Allardice
- Version 1.0
- Ballplaying by Civil War Soldiers 1.0 by Bruce Allardice
- Nearly 400 Finds Let Us Understand the Frequency and Nature of Military Ballplaying During the War
- Base Ball on the Field, 1858-1865 by Bruce Allardice
- Tracking Run-scoring and Some Other On-Field Data Before 1866 [Published in Baseball Research Journal, Spring 2020, pages 85ff]
- Number of Known BB Clubs in 40 Largest US Cities, 1870 3.0 by Bruce Allardice
- Which Cities Had the Most Early Ballclubs Per Capita?
- Rounders: Baseball's True Origin? by Bruce Allardice
- The First Baseball Game In Mexico by Bruce Allardice
- Old Team Nicknames by Bruce Allardice
- Origins Newsletter -- May 2021 by Bruce Allardice
- Number of Known BB Clubs in 40 Largest US Cities, 1870 5.0 by Bruce Allardice
- Which Cities Had the Most Early Ballclubs Per Capita?
- Peanuts, But No Cracker Jack by Bruce Allardice
- Towards A Definition Of Baseball by Bruce Allardice
- Runs, Runs and More Runs: Baseball 1866-1870. By the Numbers by Bruce Allardice
- Baseball statistics from the pre-pro era. From BRJ, Fall 2021
Add an Article by Bruce Allardice== Contributions of Note ==
Have made over 10,000 entries. These entries include newly discovered first games or clubs in Mexico, Scotland and Alaska, the first interracial baseball game (Hawaii, 1866), the first black-white interracial match game (Cadiz, Ohio, 1867), and the first African American MLB baseball player.
Attempted to make US pre-1861, Civil War, IL pre-1871 complete as far as clubs are concerned.
Researched and input entries for 162 foreign countries, including first in Great Britain.
Made over 1800 changes and correx to GNYC entries.
Written several analytical articles.
Submitted Entries: 13331
Bruce Allardice's article on baseball statistics 1866-70, "Runs, Runs, and More Runs" (SABR Baseball Research Journal, Fall 2021) won the SABR McFarland Award for Best Baseball History article of 2021. The article analyzed every game reported in the New York Clipper for those 5 years, almost 5000 games.
For a link to the raw data, visit
New Charting of Base Ball’s Spread, 1859-1870
Bruce Allardice has traced and charted the growth of base ball in the US from 1859 to 1870 as it is presently captured on the PBall site. See,_1859_-_1870. These data clearly show the moderating effect of the Civil War on (non-soldierly) ballplaying, and the dramatic "Base Ball Fever" spread of the game to new areas right after the war.
Note: A few Protoballers are venturing to chart the modern game’s earliest growth, from 1843 to 1859. Wish us luck as we try to determine which ones of the reported games were really played by modern rules.
Having added nearly 1000 finds of the early play of modern base ball around the US, Bruce Allardice has begun to turn up earliest games in other countries. In July he pinned down and entered new “Earliest Known Games” in Argentina, Bermuda, Burma, the Netherlands, Panama (a Cricket and Baseball Club in 1883, yet), Uruguay and several other nations.
Bruce Allardice’s paper on the spread of modern base ball in the American south has won a 2013 McFarland Award for the best history or biography for 2012. The article, “The Inauguration of This Noble and Manly Game Among Us,” appeared in Base Ball’s Fall 2012 issue (volume 6, number 2, pages 51-69). Bruce uses extensive newly-found newspaper and other sources to dispel myths about the neglect of base ball by southerners and about the relative importance of northern influences in the spread of modern base ball in the South from 1859 on. One judge wrote: “Here's a very well researched piece that takes on the long-established ‘prison camp’ theory of dissemination. It represents exactly what we are looking for in an award winner; well written, thoughtful, convincing, and one that makes you wonder why this hadn't been proven before. It breaks new ground and should be cited for a long time to come.”