Cricket -- US

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Game Cricket -- US
Game Family Baseball Baseball
Location MA
Regions US
Eras Post-1900
Invented No

Cricket remained the game of choice for some Americans, particularly in the Philadelphia area.

In addition, we note that a County Cricket League was in operation in 1905:

"At a joint meeting of the secretaries of the Cricket clubs of Berkshire county (sic) held yesterday in Adams [MA} the schedule for the league games was arranged. There will be teams representing Pittsfield, North Adams, Adams and Lenox.  Five games with each team will be played with the exception of Lenox."

The schedule extends from June 3 to September 9, with a championship game set for September 16, 1905.  


North Adams Transcript, May 29,1905.  Submitted by Larry Moore, March 9, 2021,

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Do we know whether the league schedule was played out?

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