Virginia Club of Virginia City

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Nick Name Virginia
Earliest Known Date Thursday, November 29, 1866
Location Virginia City, NV, United States

The San Francisco Daily Evening Bulletin, Nov. 22, 1866 says the Virginia and Northwestern Clubs are to play a match game for the Virginia City city championship on Nov. 29th.

Virginia City NV (1860 pop. about 2,300; 1870 pop. about 7,000; ) is about 10 miles NE of Carson City. Its current pop is about 850.

Wikipedia: "Gold Hill is a community in Storey County, Nevada, located just south and downhill of Virginia City . . . . Prosperity was sustained for a period of 20 years between 1868 and 1888 by mining the Comstock Lode, a major deposit of silver ore. . . . The Gold Hill post office remained in operation until 1943. Today Gold Hill exists as a shell of its former self; its population in 2005 was 191."

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Found by Bruce Allardice
First in Location NV
Entry Origin Sabrpedia

Win/Loss Records As Far As We Now Know

Warning: Users should not rely on a team's won-loss record as a reflection of its "standing" among all base ball clubs. Team schedules were not balanced, and a good record against mostly weak opponents does not signify a leading club.

Year Games Wins Losses Ties
1866 1 Played 0 Won 0 Lost 0 Tied


Page Date City Borough State Team 1 Team 2 Score First in Contributor
Ballgame 1866-11-29 Virginia City NV Virginia Club of Virginia City Northwestern Club of Virginia City Virginia City, NV Bruce Allardice

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