Victory Club of Troy v Champion Club of Albany on 26 October 1859

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Awaiting Review
Date of Game Wednesday, October 26, 1859
Location Albany, NY, United States
Field  Add Field Page Champion grounds at Greenbush
Home Team Victory Club of Troy
Away Team Champion Club of Albany
Score 29 - 26
Innings 6

Victory (Troy) 29

Champion (Albany or Troy) 26

(6 innings, owing to the  “overspreading darkness”)

(Troy Daily Whig (1): “We also learn that the Victory has accepted the challenge of the Champion Club, of Albany, to play one day next week.  This, it is expected, will be the most exciting game of the season, and will probably be played in Albany.”)

(Troy Daily Whig (3): “The game … will excite unusual interest.  Great preparations have been made by the Albany Club for the match; benches have been provided, and large numbers of the fair sex are expected to honor the occasion with their presence.”)

(Troy Daily Whig (4): “The great match of the season …  The result is as gratifying as it was unexpected.  We understand that this is the first time that the Champions have ever been defeated.  … it was generally conceded that had the game been continued the Champions would have suffered more than they did.  We do not mean to have it inferred that the early termination was owing to any soliciations on the part of the C.’s, on the contrary, the proposition was made by the Vic.’s which was met cordially and in a friendly spirit by the former, thus closing the game. / To judge by the score, it would seem that the game was characterized throughout by poor fielding.  Such was not the case.  It will be remembered that a fly game was played, which is quite different in regard to the score, from a game which is played on the bound. / What recurs more particularly in favor of the Victory boys was the fact that three of the best men were maimed badly--Delavarge having chopped off the end of his thumb a day or so ago, Hegeman having one of his finger nails torn almost entirely off while practising on Tuesday afternoon, and Curtis capping the climax by unhinging his knee and knocking one of his finger jounts out of kilter.  These unfortunate accidents, it may be imagined did not put the Victor's in a much better playing condition, but, we believe, they are very well satisfied with the result. / The members of gthe Champion Club are gentlemen in every sense of the word.  They are deserving of the favorable encomiums which were extended to them by all.  The grounds are almost inaccessible from the Greenbush side, at least we found it to be so.  The foreigners finally emerged upon the grounds, humming, “aint I glad to get out of the wilderness.”  Besides being inaccessible the ground is quite uneven, but this was not a great obstacle as the game was played upon the fly, as we mentioned above. / At the conclusion of the game three rousing cheers were given by each club when an adjournment was effected to the eating saloon of the Hudson River Depot, where the Victory Boys, together with guests from other clubs, were regaled in a princely manner by the ever gentlemanly and hospitable members of the Champion Club, after which the ball was presented on the part of the Champions by Mr. Strever in an exceedingly happy speech, and was replied to by Dr. Hegeman for the Victory in a very handsome speech.  The Clubs finally separated with mutual good wishes for each other. / We cannot refrain from speaking of the gentlemanly conduct of Conductor Way of the T. & B. R. R. in delaying the train a few moments for the Vics., he has the hearty thanks of the Club.”)

(New York Times: “the first defeat [the Champions] have suffered since their organization”)

(Troy Daily Whig (6): “the Albany Express says:-- ‘The Champions were deficient in two of  their first nine during the first three innings, and played by substitutes.  It will be seen that taking the last four innings apart from the rest, they played up to and beyond their adversaries, but were unfortunate on the first two..  The Champions are delighted with the gentlemanly conduct of the Trojans, and cannot say too much in their praise.  The Champions have challenged the Victory to a return match on Saturday, which they think will not end as badly as this.’ / The Albany Times says:-- ‘We are confident that if the full nine innings could have been played, the Champions would have come out ahead.  The Victory Boys are good fellows and it is a pleasure for any club to play with them; and in addition they have proved themselves good base ball players.  At the close of the game the Captain of the Champions asked for a return match which was granted, and will probably be played next Saturday.’ “)

(New York Clipper: “the latter won by 3 tallies”)

(Troy Daily Whig (8): The return match between the Victory Club and the Champion, of Albany will not come off this season.  The Troy Club have three of their members partially disabled, and unable to do themselves or the Club justice.”)


(1) “Base Ball,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7795 (20 Oct 1859), p. 3, col. 3

(2) “Base Ball,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7798 (24 Oct 1859), p. 3, col. 3

(3) “Base Ball,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7800 (26 Oct 1859), p. 3, col. 4

(4) “Local Matters: Base Ball,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7801 (27 Oct 1859), p. 3, col. 2

(5) “Sporting Items: Match Game of Base Ball,” New York Times, vol. 9, no. 2528 (27 Oct 1859), p. 4, cols. 5-6

(6) “Local Matters: The Base Ball Match,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7802 (28 Oct 1859), p. 3, col. 4

(7) “Champion vs. Victory,” New York Clipper, [?] Oct 1859

(8) “Local Matters: Base Ball,” Troy Daily Whig, vol. 26, no. 7805 (1 Nov 1859), p. 3, col. 2


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Found by Craig Waff
Entry Origin Games Tab
Entry Origin Url Tab:New York State, Capital Area#date1859-10-26


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