Category:Predecessor Games
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This category uses the form Predecessor Game.
Pages in category "Predecessor Games"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,599 total.
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- All England v Kent in 1744
- Alleghany Club v Pittsburg Club on 9 October 1857
- Alpha Wicket Club of Salem v Albion Wicket Club of Needham in 1869undefined
- Alton Base-Ball Club v Upper Alton Base Ball Club on 19 June 1858undefined
- Amateur Town Ball Club of Newport v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 9 October 1858
- Andrews' team v Crane's team in April 1863
- Athletics of South Pittsburgh v Enterprise of Mt. Washington on 5 September 1866undefined
- B.Holt's side v M. Holt's side on 19 July 1858
- Ball in AR in 1836
- Ball in AR in 1841
- Ball in Boston in 1790
- Ball in Fort Smith in January 1864
- Ball in Little Rock in February 1864
- Ball in MA in 1778
- Ball in MA in 1780
- Base Ball in Albany on 10 June 1856
- Base ball in Worcester in 1849
- Base in Cambridge in 1842
- Base in Cambridge in 1858 - 2
- Base in MA in 1750
- Base-ball (retro) in MA in 1824
- Buckeye Cricket Club of Cincinnati on 25 September 1857
- Buckeye Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 7 November 1863
- Buckeye Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 16 April 1864
- Buckeye Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 21 October 1865
- Buckeye Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Olympic Town Ball Club of Covington on 17 June 1865
- Buckeye Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Olympic Town Ball Club of Covington on 9 June 1866
- C. J. Robinson's side v M. Parker's side on 17 May 1859
- Camden Town Ball Club of Camden v Olympic Club of Philadelphia on 3 June 1858undefined
- Captain Lawrence's Team v Captain Lovejoy's Team in April 1858
- Chippawa v Penetergushene in Chippawa on 29 May 1815
- Claypoole's Side v DeBeck's Side on 27 May 1858
- Cook's side v Hoy's side on 7 August 1858
- Copec's side v Malone's side on 31 August 1858
- Courtland v Randolph in Randolph in 1859
- Cricket in Cincinnati on 13 September 1845
- Cricket in Lexington on 7 June 1859
- Cricket in Lousiville in 1843
- Cricket in Maysville on 28 August 1860
- Cricket in Newport on 7 August 1860
- East Hartford v Waterbury in 1864
- Eclipse Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kenton Town Ball Club of Covington on 13 October 1866
- Eclipse Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kenton Town Ball Club of Covington on 22 September 1866
- Emerson's Side v Price's Side in 1856
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 12 September 1858
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 14 August 1858undefined
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 17 September 1859
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 24 July 1858undefined
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 25 April 1863
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 3 June 1858
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 4 September 1858
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 9 July 1861
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 14 October 1858
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 16 May 1863
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 20 June 1863undefined
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 30 June 1860
- Excelsior Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Kentucky Town Ball Club of Newport on 5 May 1860
- Game at Ball in Cambridge in 1781
- Game of ball in Bellingham in 1840
- Game of ball in Boston in 1849
- Game with wickets in Sheffield in 1800
- Garrison Club v Civilians on 27 January 1845
- Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 1 July 1858undefined
- Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 19 August 1858undefined
- Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati v Gymnasts Town Ball Club of Cincinnati on 26 August 1858undefined
- In Adelaide in 1839
- In Adelaide in 1846
- In Aden Circa 1888
- In Aden in 1905
- In Afghanistan in 1839
- In Albany in 1837
- In Albany in 1854
- In Aleppo Circa 1905
- In Alexandria in 1842
- In Alexandria in 1851
- In Allegheny in 1859
- In Alloa in September 1785
- In Amherst in 1846
- In Amherstburg on 11 September 1840
- In Amsterdam in 1856
- In Anderson Circa 1850
- In Andorra in 2012
- In Andover Circa 1853
- In Andover in 1858
- In Ann Arbor in 1850
- In Ann Arbor in August 1859
- In Annapolis in 1754
- In Annapolis in 1859
- In Ansonia in 1857
- In Antigua and Barbuda in 1895
- In Apia in 1879
- In Arena in 1853
- In Ascension Island in 1831
- In Ashaway in 1856
- In Ashland Circa 1855
- In Athens in 1838
- In Athens in 1859
- In Athens in 1868
- In Augusta
- In Aurora in 1862
- In Aurora in 1866
- In Austin in 1856
- In Baltimore in 1804
- In Baltimore in 1846
- In Bangkok in 1890
- In Bangladesh in 1792
- In Bangor in 1844
- In Bangor in 1847
- In Bangor in 1859
- In Barbados in 1780
- In Bardstown in 1823
- In Barkhamsted Circa 1840
- In Barre in 1848
- In Barre in 1855
- In Bedford, Long Island in 1848
- In Belgium in 1815
- In Belize City in 1888
- In Belle Plaine in 1863
- In Belleville in 1851
- In Bermuda on 30 August 1844
- In Beverly in 1857
- In Biddeford in 1858
- In Bloomfield in 1841
- In Bloomington in 1864
- In Bloomington in August 1857
- In Blountville Circa 1850
- In Bluffdale Circa 1826
- In Bolivar Circa 1837
- In Boonton in 1858
- In Boston Circa 1800
- In Boston Circa 1850
- In Boston in 1725
- In Boston in 1809
- In Boston in 1831
- In Boston in 1844
- In Boston in 1845
- In Boston in 1853
- In Boston in 1854
- In Boston in 1859
- In Bourbon in 1856
- In Braintree in 1864
- In Brantford in 1837
- In Brattleboro in 1844
- New:In Brattleboro in 1844
- In Bridgeport in 1856
- In Brisbane in 1845
- In Brisbane in 1848
- In Bristol in 1859
- In Bristol in 1863
- In Brockville in 1855
- In Brooklyn in 1820
- In Brooklyn in 1838
- In Brooklyn in 1844
- In Brooklyn in October 1845
- In Brooklyn on 24 July 1858
- In Buenos Aires in 1807
- In Buffalo Circa 1835
- In Buffalo in 1846
- In Buffalo in 1856
- In Buffalo in 1857
- In Buffalo in 1859
- In Buffalo on 12 September 1857
- In Burlington in 1858
- In Cairo in 1852
- In Cambridge Circa 1853
- In Cambridge in 1760
- New:In Cambridge in 1760
- In Cambridge in 1829
- In Cambridge in 1846
- In Cambridge in 1850
- In Camden Circa 1840
- In Camden in 1831
- In Canton in 1836
- In Canton in 1837
- In Canton in 1867
- In Cape May in 1844
- In Cape Town in 1808
- In Carnarvon in 1857
- In Chambersburg Circa 1835
- In Channel Islands in 1861
- In Charleston in 1817
- In Charleston in 1821
- In Charleston in 1848
- In Charlestown in 1837
- In Charlestown in 1855
- In Charlestown in 1860
- In Charlestown in 1862
- In Charlottetown in 1844
- In Chatham
- In Chatham in 1839
- In Chatham on 7 July 1851
- In Chelsea in 1858
- In Cheshire in 1858
- In Chicago in 1844
- In Chicago in 1850