Games Tab:Portland, ME

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The Craig B. Waff Games Tabulation


7 Entries, using 11 sources     Pdf Version

Craig Waff's Games Tabulations made foundational contributions to our effort to document games and clubs before baseball became a professional sport. Craig's work is memorialized in this section of the site and lives on as a substantial mass of entries in Pre-pro Baseball. For more information about Pre-pro Baseball, see our About Pre-pro page.


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

28 Jun, 1859


Portland, Maine

Tri-Mountain (Boston, Mass.) 21

Portland (Portland) 14

(return match)

(New York Sunday Mercury: “The match between these New England clubs … attracted a great attendance of spectators—our informer tells us, between five and six thousand.  The game was skillfully played, according to the rules of the National Association.”)

(Porter’s Spirit of the Times: “This game lasted three hours, and attracted much attention.  The Portland Club extended a generous hospitality to the Boston boys, and their brief visit was one of mutual enjoyment and pleasure.”)

(1) “Out-Door Sports: Base-Ball: Portland vs. Tri-Mountain Club,” New York Sunday Mercury, vol. [xx], no. [xx] (3 Jul 1859), p. 5, col. 6

(2) “Out-Door Sports: Base-Ball: Tri-Mountain Base Ball Club, of Boston, Mass.,” Porter’s Spirit of the Times, vol. 8, no. 19 (3 Jul 1860), p. 299, col. 1

15 Sep, 1859

Portland, Maine

Portland (Portland) 38

Forest City (Portland) 22

[type of game not specified]

(1) “Portland vs. Forest City,” New York Clipper, [?] Sep 1859


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

Prior to

17 Jul, 1860

Portland, Maine

Portland grounds

Sagamore Jr. 24

Portland (Portland) 22

(Porter’s Spirit of the Times: “The game was played according to the National Association, or New York, rules.”)

(Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times: “A match was played a few days since … The game was played according to New York rules.  The Portland is a senior and the Sagamore a junior club.”)

(1) “Out-Door Sports: Base-Ball: Base Ball in Maine—Portland vs. Sagamore,” Porter’s Spirit of the Times, vol. 8, no. 21 (17 Jul 1860), p. 325, col. 3

(2) “Out-Door Sports: Base-Ball: Base Ball in Maine,” Porter’s Spirit of the Times, vol. 8, no. 26 (21 Aug 1860), p. 405, col. 3

(3) “Out-Door Sports: Base Ball: Base Ball in Portland, Me—Sagamore vs. Portland,” Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, vol.  2, no. 25  (25 Aug 1860), p. 389, col. 3

24 Aug, 1860



Sagamore (Portland) 27

Augusta (Augusta) 9

(Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times: “… the Sagamores of Portland made a brief jaunt to Augusta, to play a friendly game with the Augusta Club, who had challenged them.  The trial came off in the presence of some one thousand to twelve hundred spectators.  Both clubs play the New York game.  In the evening both clubs participated in a splendid dinner at the Augusta House.  Previous to this entertainment both clubs, accompanied by their friends, formed in procession, and headed by a fine band of music, paraded through several of the principal thouroughfares of Augusta.”)

(1) “Out-Door Sports: Base Ball: Base Ball in Maine,” Porter’s Spirit of the Times, vol. 9, no. 2 (4 Sep 1860), p. 437, col. 1

(2) “Out-Door Sports: Base Ball: Base Ball in Maine—Sagamore of Portland vs. Augusta Club of Augusta,” Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, vol.  3, no. 1  (8 Sep 1860), p. 5, col. 1

29 Sep, 1860


Brunswick, Maine

Juniors 23

Seniors 13

(Bowdoin College intra-collegiate game

(3) “Out-Door Sports: Base Ball: Seniors vs. Juniors of Bowdoin College,” Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, vol. 3, no. 6 (13 Oct 1860), p. 86, col. 2


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

19 Aug, 1861

Portland, Maine

Massasoit (Portland) 35

Androscoggin (Lewiston) 13

(Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times: “Due consideration should, however, be given to the fact that the Androscoggin is a new club, this being their first match game, and that two of their best players were not present.”)

(1) Pilicrepus, “Out-Door Sports: Base Ball: Base Ball at Portland, Me.,” Wilkes’ Spirit of the Times, vol.  4, no. 26  (31 Aug 1861), p. 404, col. 3, & p. 405, col. 1 [letter dated 20 Aug]

26 Sep, 1861


Portland, Maine

Sagamore grounds

Bowdoin (Boston) 25

Picked nine from Portland clubs (Portland) 14

(1) “Base Ball in Portland, Me.,” New York Clipper, vol. [xx], no. xx ([xx] Oct 1861), p. [xx], col. [xx]