Games Tab:Milwaukee

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The Craig B. Waff Games Tabulation


10 Entries, using 17 sources     Pdf Version

Craig Waff's Games Tabulations made foundational contributions to our effort to document games and clubs before baseball became a professional sport. Craig's work is memorialized in this section of the site and lives on as a substantial mass of entries in Pre-pro Baseball. For more information about Pre-pro Baseball, see our About Pre-pro page.


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

30 May, 1857


Waukesha, Wis.

Carroll College Club 11-11-21

Village residents 4-5-10

(SOT: “A Match Game of Base Ball was played on Saturday last, between the following members of the Freshman Class of Carroll College, and an equal number of residents of this village.  … The Programme consisted of two games of eleven tallies, and one of twenty-one, …”)

(1) Waukesha Republican, 6 Jun 1857 [NOT YET SEEN; REPRINTED IN (2)]

(2) “Cricket and Base Ball: Base Ball,” SOT, vol. 27, no. 20 (27 Jun 1857), p. 234, col. 2


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

30 Nov, 1859


Milwaukee, Wis.

Fair Ground on Spring Street Avenue

Hathaway’s side 40

King’s side 35

(MS: “This game, now so popular at the East, is about to be introduced in our city.  A very spirited impromptu match was played …, yesterday afternoon, six on a side, …  Should the weather be fair, the return match will be played, on the same ground, at 2 o’clock this (Thursday) afternoon.”)

(1) “Base Ball,” MS, vol. 16, no. 271 (1 Dec 1859), p. 1, col. 3

10 Dec, 1859


Milwaukee, Wis.

Fair Grounds

Hathaway’s side 33

King’s side 23

(MS: “A vigorous game of base ball under the national rules, was played on the Fair Grounds on Saturday afternoon.”)

(1) “Base Ball,” MS, vol. 16, no. 281 (13 Dec 1859), p. 1, col. 3

17 Dec, 1859


Milwaukee, Wis.

State Fair Grounds

Hathaway’s side 54

King’s side 33

(MS: “The weather was blustering and patches of snow on the ground made it slippery and rather too damp for sharp play.”)

(1) “Match at Base Ball,” MS, vol. 16, no. 287 (20 Dec 1859), p. 1, col. 4


Date of Game City/Town Playing Field Outcome Sources

5 Apr, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

Fair Grounds adjoining Spring Street

Unspecified sides and score

(MS & DMN: “The game is now fairly inaugurated in Milwaukee, and the first Base Ball Club in our City was organized last evening.”)

(1) “Base Ball,” MS, vol. 17, no. 70 (6 Apr 1860), p. 1, col. 4

(2) “Base Ball,” DMN, vol. 12, no. 151 (7 Apr 1860), p. 1, col. 1

7 Jun, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

Unspecified sides; 33-27 score

(Milwaukee BBC intra-club game)

(MS: “They play again to-morrow afternoon, weather permitting, and we advise the lovers of manly sports to go and see them.”)

(1) “Base Ball,” MS, vol. 17, no. 124 (8 Jun 1860), p. 1, col. 3

16 Jun, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

Hathaway’s side 27

Chandler’s side 26

(Milwaukee BBC intra-club game)

(DMN: “The game, as will be seen by the scorings, was close and well played, and much interest was manifested, not only by the players, but [also] spectators.”)

(MS: “The game was contested with great spirit, and some capital play shown.—We will publish the score in our next.”)

(PSOT: “This Club is the only one in the State of Wisconsin which plays the National Association game.  It was organized in March, 1860, …”)

(1) “Base Ball,” DMN, vol. 12, no. 212 (17 Jun 1860), p. 1, col. 4

(2) “Base Ball,” MS, vol. 17, no. 132 (18 Jun 1860), p. 1, col. 4

(3) “Out-Door Sports: Base-Ball: Milwaukee Base Ball Club,” PSOT, vol. 8, no. 18 (26 Jun 1860), p. 276, col. 3

(4) “Base-Ball: Milwaukee Base Ball Club,” WSOT, vol. [xx], no. [xx] (30 Jun 1860), p. 4, col. [xx]

1 Sep, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

Fair Grounds

Excelsior (Milwaukee) 48

Milwaukee (Milwaukee) 13

(DMN: “We have not, at this late hour, room to give the score.”)

(MS: “The first two or three innings were well played and closely contested.  After that, the play of the Milwaukee nine fell off, while that of the Excelsiors improved.  The return match, we learn, will come off next Saturday, when the Milwaukee Club hopes to improve their score.”)

(1) “Match at Base Ball,” DMN, vol. 12, no. 277 (2 Sep 1860), p. 1, col. 2

(2) “Match at Base Ball,” MS, vol. 17, no. 197 (3 Sep 1860), p. 1, col. 3

10 Oct, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

Old Fair Grounds




(MS: “An omnibus will leave the corner of Wisconsin and Main streets at ten minutes before three [start time of game].”)

[NOTE: Dennis Pajot reports finding no record of the game result in the local papers.]

(1) “Base Ball Game,” MS, vol. 17, no. 228 (10 Oct 1860), p. 1, col. 5

20 Oct, 1860


Milwaukee, Wis.

“On the old Fair Grounds, Spring Street hill.”



(scheduled return match)

(MS: “An omnibus will leave the corner of Main and Wisconsin Streets at 2’oclock, to convey parties to the ground [start time shortly after 2 o’clock].  Members of both Clubs are particularly requested to be punctual in their attendance.”)

[NOTE: Dennis Pajot reports finding no record of the game result in the local papers.]

(1) “Match at Base Ball,” MS, vol. 17, no. 237 (20 Oct 1860), p. 1, col. 5