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What Must I Do to Be Physically Saved?

Salience Noteworthy
Tags Ball in the Culture, Newspaper Coverage
Location Greater New York City
City/State/Country: NYC, NY, USA
Game Cricket
Immediacy of Report Contemporary
Age of Players Adult

"For a great many years, a great many people, particularly in this great country, have been asking what they should do to be physically saved?...We are pretty sure that the mania for cricket, which has followed the base ball madness, will not be without its blessings...we cannot imagine a dyspeptic cricketer-- no! not after he has received many balls in the pit of his stomach."

In a two-part series under the title "Muscle Looking Up" The New York Tribune explored the past and present of the physical culture movement in the United States, noting approvingly the trend to emphasize sportive exercise, and hoping that it will be extended to approval of exercise for both men and women.


New York Herald Tribune, Oct. 7 and Oct. 15, 1859

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Submitted by Bob Tholkes
Submission Note 3/12/2014


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