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Shinney1791 Pittsfield ban on baseball1841 Map of Elysian Fields1841 Map of Hoboken1859 Baseball Cartoon1859 Cricket England v. US at Hoboken1865 Charter Oaks Club1867 Cartoon of Muffin Play1869 College play.Adam NorthAetna Club of ChicagoAgallian Club 1867Al PrattAllentown Stars PlayersAmherst College ballgrounds c. 1861Apple Seller and Pickpocket at game 1867Ball Play on Boston Common 1834Ball Playing Spain 1280sBall Playing at NYC City Hall c1838Ball diamond 1830sBall play 1850 ManhattanBandy BallBarn ball playBase Ball 1700sBase Ball 1763Base TenderBaseball at Camp Cleveland c. 1862Baseball at Fort Pulaski 1862Baseball at Princeton c. 1860Baseball in EnglandBaseball on HorsebackBaseball on IceBaseball sheet music 1861Bat BallBat and BallBat-ball game 1300sBat-ball game c. 1300 FlandersBat-ball hockey-like game 1300sBeechville 1838 gameBrooklyn Atlantics 1860Brooklyn Excelsiors 1860Buffalo's Niagara club 1857Camac's WoodsCapitoline GroundsCentral ParkChicago Excelsior Players (1)Chicago Excelsior Players (2)Chicago White Stockings 1870Chicago White Stockings ExecsCincinnati Buckeyes 1866Cincinnati Union GroundsCivil War Soldiers Playing foot-ballClub Ball 13th CenturyClub ball 1200sCooper InstituteCroghan ClubDelill BatDexter Park ChicagoDiagram of Eagle Baseball Club field 1858Diagram of Four Old CatDiagram of Massachusetts GameDiagram of TownballDiagram of Townball IIDowners Grove Plowboys bannerDrive Ball?Eckford BBCEdwin DikemanElysian Fields 1857Elysian Fields MarkerEmpire ClubEnglische Base-BallEnglish Cricket Club Touring America 1859Fashion Race Course 1858 gameFirst Baseball Card?First Baseball Song Sheet MusicFirst Baseball Song? 1856First NYC-Brooklyn game 1845First Photo of Cricket game?First Photo of baseball game?First diagram of a baseball field? (1856)From 1869 novel "The Yachtville Boys"Game balls 1859Game c. 1868Game c. 1870Gotham Club 1856Harvard U. Base Ball ClubHarvard U. Baseball Club 1866Hoboken Ferry 1856Home Run Polka 1867Indian Ball Play (lacrosse)Kents Hill Club 1869Knickerbocker Fire CompanyKnickerbocker Scorecard 1845Knickerbockers and Excelsiors 1858Knickerbockers game at Elysian FieldsLake Front Park ChicagoLake Shore Park ChicagoLongball batsLowell Base Ball Club 1866MA Rules gameManhattan Red House groundsMap of Red House groundsMassachusetts Rules PromotionMohawk ClubMonks playing ball c. 1340Montreal Baseball Club 1871Naval Academy 1870 ClubOld Point BBCOne O'Cat gameOtto CottagePOW baseball 1862Peterboro Women's club 1868Philadelphia Athletics grounds 1865Philadelphia Townball Olympic ClubhousePhiladelphis Town Ball Game 2014Photo of 1852 rules bookPoisoned BallPrinceton College playRound BallRounders Game 1860Rounders Game 1873Seker-hematSeneca BBCSingle-wicket cricket diagramSoaking or PluggingSong Sheet 1858 QuadrilleSporting garb old timeSt. George's Cricket Club 1843St. Louis Lafayette ParkStool Ball 1744Stoolball England 1878Theque EquipmentTheque gameThree and Four Old CatTip-CatTown Ball GameTrap Ball 1300sTrap Ball 1775Trap Ball 1784Trap Ball Striker and EquipmentUnion Grounds BrooklynUnion Park ChicagoUnion Pond Brooklyn 1863Washington Square Park ChicagoWhite House EllipseWicket Bat and BallWicket Club. ConnecticutWicket at Dartmouth CollegeWicket gameWomen's Baseball 1868
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