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July 4
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" in Woody(ed.)
"Proposals Relating to the Education of Youth in Pennsilvania
 pp. 156-57.)


"But physical education as a consciously organized activity in the college program was almost completely lacking before the late nineteenth century. Viewed in many instances as a contributor to indecorous behavior

Minutes of Trustees
Educational Views of Benjamin Franklin
Aaron Champion
Abraham Lincoln
Academy and Charitable School of Philadelphia
Alexander Cartwright
Benjamin Franklin

"A sound mind in a sound body is a maxim to which our collegiate forbears of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries would probably have subscribed

Benjamin Rush
Bruegel the Elder
Charles Dickens
Christopher Columbus
Duchess of Kent
Edward III
Francis Dana Gage
Frederick Douglass
General Abe Buford
General Joseph Hooker
George Wright
Governor Willliam Bradford
Harry Wright
Henry Chadwick
Henry Ward Beecher
Horace Greeley
Jane Austen
Judge Samuel Sewell
King Ferdinand II
Lady Mary Dudley
Lord Middlesex
Lord Robert Dudley; Queen Elizabeth I
March 10
Mark Hanna
Nathaniel Hawthorne
National League President
Nicholas Young
Noah Webster
Oliver Cromwell
Prince of Wales
Professors or Tutors
Repubican Senator from Ohio
Robert E. Lee
Rutherford B. Hayes
Saint Augustine
Saint Cuthbert
Sir Philip Sydney
Union Army
Union General George McClellan
United States Government
Walt Whitman
William Hulbert
and Stephen F. Douglas
and as a possible source of distraction from the pursuit of serious study
and swimming
and to strengthen and render active their bodies
but about which they did little. Benjamin Franklin
etc." (Source: Benjamin Franklin
for example
in 1761
make any indecent Noise
or behave in any way rudely in the College Yard or Streets adjacent.'" (Source:  College Academy and Charitable School
or come in or out thro the Windows
or play Ball or use any Kind of Diversion within the Walls of the Building; nor shall they in the Presence of the Trustees
play Ball
pp. 131 ff).

tended to place a damper upon the exuberant spirit of youth: 'None shall climb over the Fences of the College Yard
the early tendency was to discourage rather than to foster participation in it. Thus
the rules for student deportment formulated by the trustees of the College
they be frequently exercised in running
urged that in order to keep the scholars of his proposed academy "in health
