This is a property of type String.
Showing 20 pages using this property.
"A rare Sight I judge in North Carolina"
+"Ample Space" Allowed "For Cricket, For Bat and Ball . . . "
+"Ancient Cheshire Games" Include Stooleball, Nine Holes
+"Antient" Harvard Custom: Freshmen Furnish the Bats, Balls
+"Antiquated Base Ball Club" Plays Throwback Game in Newark
+"At Base, They Cannot Hit Him With the Ball."
+"Bafeball" Among Games Banned in Pittsfield MA - also Cricket, Wicket
+"Ball Club" To Shift Next Meeting, at Broadway NYC Hotel
+"Ball playing" Schoolboy Essay
+"Ball" Rolls into the English Language
+"Base Ball" and "Bat and Ball" Seen as the Same Game
+"Base" and Cricket Listed in Book of US Pastimes
+"Base-ball, a nonsuch for (Girls') eyes and arms"
+"Baseball" Found in Several Works by Mary Russell Mitford
+"Baseball" at West Point NY?
+"Baste Ball" Played at Princeton
+"Bat and Ball" Can't Compete with Organ-Grinding
+"Bat and Ball" featured in Chicago picnic
+"Best" Cricket Bats Sold for Four Shillings Sixpence