In Dushanbe in 2015

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Awaiting Review
Date of Game 2015
Location Dushanbe, Tajikistan

It appears that the US Embassy in Dushanbe is prepared to host softball games for visitors, although it is unclear if such games have taken place.

"Recreation and Social Life Last Updated: 11/15/2005 3:27 PM

As the security requirements have eased somewhat, American staff in Dushanbe have been able to go exploring, running, biking, and visiting areas outside the capital to watch local activities such as buzkashi (a traditional horseback game that was probably the precursor of polo), picnic, or hunt for wild boar. Tennis is available at an indoor hall in Dushanbe, and there are badminton and volleyball leagues. Tajiks welcome the involvement of foreigners in everything they do and are justifiably proud of their extraordinary hospitality.

Sports Last Updated: 11/15/2005 3:27 PM

Tennis is available at an indoor hall in Dushanbe. There are badminton and volleyball leagues in the city also. The Embassy currently has a mini-weight room of sorts in the basement of the house next door to the current Chancery.

The ICASS Council has purchased sports equipment for a recreation center to be built at the new Embassy Compound after the completion of the Chancery and Marine House. The sports we have prepared for are: tennis, basketball, softball, volleyball and badminton (in sandpits), soccer, a running track, and a gymnasium with workout equipment. Please bring your own playing equipment such as tennis rackets and balls, and softball mitts, bats, and balls, etc."


From the US Embassy in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. See

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Found by Bruce Allardice
Entered by Bruce Allardice


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