Clipping:The lessee of the Oakdale grounds

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Date Sunday, June 4, 1882

Mr. Maley, who is still the lessee of Oakdale Park, announces the same to rent from this date to July 1 st. the Park is one of the best in the city, now that it has been so greatly improved. To organizations desiring grounds for base ball, and other Athletic sports, apply at... The Philadelphia Item June 4, 1882

Oakdale Park passes into the hands of the Athletic club on July 1, Messrs. Mason, Simmons and Sharsig having leased it for a term of years. A number of improvements will be made at once, including new open seats on each side of the field which will hold 3,000 persons. The beer stand on the ground is to be removed, and the sale of beer and liquor on the ground positively prohibited. The Philadelphia Item June 11, 1882

small turnout of ladies

[Baltimore vs. Cincinnati 6/6/1882] [ladies’ day] The Cincinnatis celebrated their return home form the East yesterday by soundly beating the Baltimores in the presence of a few over sixteen hundred delighted spectators. The day was a beautiful one, and, being the first of the newly-inaugurated Ladies’ Day, the response by the fair sex was good. About forty ladies were present, and the grand stand looked gay. Cincinnati Commercial June 7, 1882

Source Philadelphia Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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