Clipping:The headwork of the Red Stockings

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Date Sunday, June 19, 1870

No one who saw the Red Stockings play, ever saw one of the nine hesitate for a moment as to where the ball was to be returned; it was invariably thrown in to the man who could make best use of it. Such proficiency is only to be attained by the players studying the points of the game, and using his brains before the ball is struck, and not after. He should make his calculation beforehand as to whom the ball ought to be returned in the event of its being sent in his direction. Much more is required to make a player than the mere mechanical skill necessary to stop a ball well, or to strike it fairly when pitched to him. Hatfield [of the Mutuals] exemplified this on Monday last. He is a good fielder and a powerful batter; yet, when called upon to exercise his judgment, after fielding a ball, he was at sea, losing valuable opportunities of making double plays, by throwing the ball to first base, when it should have gone to second, and so on. With such antagonists as the Red Stockings, or any other first-class team, our clubs must play with judgment as well as with skill.

Source New York Dispatch
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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