Clipping:The choice of the ball

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Date Saturday, June 25, 1870

[Cincinnati vs. Resolute of Elizabeth 6/16/1870] Harry Wright presented a Ryan ball for the contest, which has but an ounce and a half of rubber in it; but the Resolutes claimed their right, as the challenging club, to furnish the ball, and they presented one of Peck and Snyder's “bounding rock” balls, though not as lively a one as they had in their previous games. New York Clipper June 25, 1870

[Cincinnati vs. Eckford 6/17/1870] As the Cincinnatis were the challenging club, of course the Ryan dead ball was played with... New York Clipper June 25, 1870

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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