Clipping:The Players' League Polo Grounds

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Date Wednesday, January 22, 1890

Workman began laying out the lines last Monday for the grounds of the new Players' League club in [New York]. They are at Eighth avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-seventh and One Hundred and Fifty-ninth streets, extending from the avenue line back to the bluff, a distance of 800 feet. The grand stand will be situated under the bluff and the men will bat toward Eighth avenue. There will be room for carriages and any amount of space for spectators. Tim Keefe says “it will be the finest ground in the world.” Architect David W. King will have the work in charge. The specifications provide for a double-decker grand stand seating from 6000 to 7000 people, with opera chairs, and free seats fro 14,000 people. The stand in form will resemble the present one at the Polo Grounds. There will be a carriage driveway on One Hundred and Fifty-ninth street, and on either side of it will be club houses for the players, fitted with all modern conveniences. A running track will encircle the field, and it is expected that some athletic club will use the grounds when not needed by the players. The contracts were awarded Friday.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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