Clipping:St. Louis Club finances

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Date Sunday, November 18, 1877

The work of collecting the $2,000 still due the players for services during the past season is progressing slowly, the stockholders seeming to forget that they are in duty bound to pay this money. The Directors of the Association have already paid a very large sum out of their own pockets, and think that before they undertake the responsibility of perfecting the organization for 1878, the trivial amount referred to above should be made good by the small army of stockholders. The Collection Committee report that the latter, when called on for their assessments, are met by the argument that the crooked developments of the past season have robbed the national game of its interest, and that there is no guarantee that players will not repeat it next year. While this may be true, it does not release them from the debt which they have contracted, and which, if not paid, may possibly result in legal proceedings. The soreheads should not forget that, while a dozen dishonest men may have entered the professional ranks, there are still hundreds of honest players from who to pick reliable teams; and if the stockholders evince an intention to pay off the debt of the present season, the directors will secure a first class nine, one capable of winning the championship in /78–otherwise the chances are that this city has seen the last of professional ball-playing for some years to come. St.

Source St. Louis Globe-Democrat
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
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