Clipping:Reserved players returning from the UA

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Date Sunday, March 16, 1884

A Philadelphia exchange says: “All of the reserved players who signed with Union Clubs have gone back, with the exception of Weaver and Bradley, of the American, and Dunlap and Shafer, of the League.” What's the matter with Daily, of the Clevelands, and Jack Gleason, of the Lousivilles? There were only nine of this class of players to start with, and, in the face of the gratuitous distribution of blood-money by the tripartite clubs, only three of them were dishonorable. The trio of traitors were Mullane, Mansell and Corcoran. The latter had, however, a slight excuse for his action, for he had partially contracted with the Chicago Club. This list, however, does not include the North-western League deserters.

Source Cincinnati Enquirer
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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