Clipping:Debating the ten man rule, exhibition games

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Date Sunday, March 8, 1874

[reporting on the professional convention] ...Aleck Davidson, of the Mutuals being the only one that favored the useless and visionary innovation of the ten men and ten innings; and when he was asked where he would place this extra man, he replied, that he could occupy any position in the field, right, short stop or any where else where he might prove useful in keeping down the score of the club at the bat, and thus improve the game; and he stated that it was needed in New York to renew the interest in the game. David L. Reid [delegate of the Philadelphia Club] effectually answered his arguments by stating that the true cause of the decline of the game in New York and vicinity, was the suspicious playing of some of the professionals connected with their clubs, and that in Philadelphia, Boston, Baltimore and Washington, where the game had been played on its own merits, there was fully as much interest taken in base ball as ever, and as ninety-nine out of every hundred of professional and amateur players were opposed to the ten men and ten innings rule, it was useless wasting time talking about it, and he moved the Mr. Davidson’s amendment be tabled, and it was by the decisive vote of six to one. Philadelphia Sunday Mercury March 8, 1874

[The report of the professional convention] After the election [of officers], Mr. D. B. Reed, of the Philadelphias, presented a long and elaborate series of playing rules and championship code, prepared with great care by Mr. Henry Chadwick. It involves several changes, which were generally received with favor.


...all exhibitions are prohibited until each club has played its championship game to a close, except when clubs play exhibition games under the ten-men rule, so that, after all, the new game has received a semi-endorsement. New York Sunday Mercury March 8, 1874

Source Philadelphia Sunday Mercury
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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