Clipping:A high pitch delivery; low deliveries more effective

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Date Saturday, July 15, 1876

[Harvard vs. Chelsea of Brooklyn 7/3/1876] We saw Ernst [of the Harvards] pitch for for the first time on this occasion, and we have to state that his delivery half the time was illegal, his hand, in passing his hip, being frequently level with it and sometimes clearly above, when the rules require that the hand must clearly pass below the line of the hip. … The lower the delivery the more effective the pitching, and we are surprised to see pitchers lose sight of this fact, so many of them delivering from the hip, thereby giving the batsman a good sight of the ball from the hand, and losing to the pitcher the advantage of the rising ball which made Creighton's pitching so difficult to judge, he delivering the ball from within six inches of the ground.

Source New York Clipper
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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