Clipping:Brunell on the end game

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, December 6, 1890

[from Brunell's column] ...Last spring, when the Players' League was “out of sight” --it's almost in the same shape now—each club could have sold $10,000 worth of stock and put it into a pol to be drawn upon for necessities on the end of the fight. Oct. 10 had $20,000 been put into the general fund the National League would have been whipped out of its boots, because it is an assured fact that it is very nearly upon its financial beam ends to-day, although you can raise money on its prospects-strong and weak in spots. Had this money been used after the Cincinnati deal the fight would have been over now. Up to that time the leading clubs had “put up” steadily for some clubs besides their own. The Cincinnati purchase, a $40,000 one, was a bargain for the purpose and at the time was very dear as used. If it was bought, as declared by the New York people, for compromise purposes, and it was, it was most villainously used. But the past's no good except for historical purposes and the future's as fruitful as a good vineyard. This may be handy, however, if another revolution ever comes. But it never will, because ball players will be too plenty, and when the present stars, with their remembrances and salaries, die away, ball players will be too cheap to think.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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