Clipping:Only New York and Brooklyn PL clubs want to consolidate

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, November 8, 1890

[quoting Ward] I want to say right here that there is just one club and a half in favor of consolidation. The New York Players' League capitalists to a man, for some reason or other, are anxious to consolidate with John B. Day. Half the Brooklyn directors want to join forces with Byrne, and the other half want to continue the fight. This talk about the clubs in Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburg and other cities wanting to combine is all nonsense. The Players' League clubs in those cities are satisfied with their present position and are not anxious to treat with their National League rivals. The Players' League had the call when the season closed, but the ridiculous and needless weakening by the local backers has placed it in an embarrassing position, while the National League magnates have been benefited. If they claim that the players should not be considered, why don't they come and tell us so instead of running round on the quiet and talking peace with the National League men? When they started in with this fight they knew very well what to expect and they have no right to squeal now.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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