Clipping:Pushback from within the PL to compromise

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, October 18, 1890

There are grumblings that threaten to break out with volcanic force at the meeting of the Players' League which will be held in the Fifth Avenue Hotel next Monday. All of the clubs are not satisfied with the present negotiations for consolidation. The dessentients claim, with considerable reason, that the gentlemen who represented the Players' League in the recent conference with the National League have exceeded the powers vested in them as a committee. Strong exceptions are being taken to the present proceedings.

These objections are not confined to the players, who are opposing the idea of playing in teams with the Brotherhood deserters, but they reach out among several of the most influential capitalists in the Players' league. They say they want a compromise, but that compromise must be one which will restore thorough harmony in base ball, and not one which will leave a rankling among three-fourths of the people who did lend their support to the national game during the season just finished. Under the latter conditions, they say, the situation would be just as bad as it will be if the war is continued until one league or the other is fought to a standstill.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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