Clipping:Athletic Club finances; debts

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, October 4, 1890

As the weeks go by new and more discreditable disclosures are made. A very interesting story could be told about the club's outstanding bonds, but that is reserved for another time. During the week it transpired that the club owed even its landlord, and was in debt to the city for rent more than $1000. The goods and chattels of the club were seized by the city last Saturday, and the stands, chairs, uniforms, and all other available goods at the ball park were to have been sold at public auction yesterday. The constable's sale, however, was prevented by the sheriff, who issued a levy under an execution granted several weeks ago on an application of Walton & Bro., a lumber firm. They Sheriff's sale will come off next Monday morning. Constable Vance on Thursday filed with the sheriff his claim, and, as rent comes ahead of everything else, the city will get the proceeds of the sale after the sheriff's costs shall have been deducted, or as much of the proceeds as many be necessary to cancel the claim. The rent due is $1666, and the constable's cost add about $20 to the bill, so that the sale must realize over $1200 or the city will be a loser. The effects of the club include 1600 chairs, the open seats (classed as lumber), refreshment stand, club house, awnings, etc.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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