Clipping:Bunting technique

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, August 23, 1890

Good sacrifice hitters are as scarce in the base ball profession as the proverbial hen's teeth. Players who can get up and bunt a ball whenever they please so that a runner can go up a base are valuable men in a team. On this point the Cincinnati Enquirer says:--”Ollie Beard and Arlie Latham are the only men in the Cincinnati team who can be relied on to follow out instructions in regard to thumping the ball. Manager Loftus was at this office last night and the subject of sacrifice hitting was introduced.

“That more players can not bunt a ball is due to their own carelessness,” said Manager Loftus. “They do not take the pains. When you instruct a player to put a runner up another base he goes to the plate with the idea that he must make the attempt on the first ball pitched, whether it be high, low or wide. Would he but exercise the same care that he does when he goes up to hit the ball out and only bunt the good ones he would have no trouble. But no; he reasons that he ought to be able to hold his bat out and hit anything. The consequence is that he either strikes out or sends up a little fly. The pitcher must get the ball over the plate, and if a batter will but wait for a strike he will have no trouble.

Source The Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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