Clipping:Attendance in Louisville 2

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, July 26, 1890

[from the Louisville correspondent] The club has been playing ball such as would win friends for any team, and the lovers of the sport here have shown that they could and would turn out when there was anything to justify it. Should the boys do one-half as well on their trip abroad as they have just done on the home grounds, Eclipse Park will not be big enough to hold the crowds that will go down to see them. The attendance has been something wonderful considering the fact that Louisville was for some years and until recently comparatively dead. As I said, though, as soon as the boys began playing good ball, the interest in them took a sudden upshoot, and the stockholders are fast making money—more money made in Louisville in months. … What gratifies President Parsons and Manager Chapman is the splendid attendance at all the games. Tuesday there were 1252 people present; Wednesday there were 725; Thursday there were 1836; Friday, 1236; Saturday, 2562; Sunday, 7125, and Monday, 2214. This attendance, the largest of any Association city in the country, has been most encouraging to the members of the team, and it has served to throw an enthusiasm into every game which has left no room for any one attending to kick about carelessness or inattention to business.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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