Clipping:The cost of balls

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, July 19, 1890

The Cincinnati Enquirer states that Loftus' club has to exercise more care in the use of base balls than they did last season, because a different system in regard to distribution of the regulation sphere obtains in the League from that in vogue in the American Association. In the latter organization clubs are privileged to use all the balls they want without charge, and the firm that furnishes them gives a handsome bonus for the word “official.” “In the League,” says the Enquirer, each club is charged at the rate of $1 a ball for every ball used. This money is taken by President young and is used to defray the running expenses of the League, such as umpires' fees and expenses. Of course the money is not given to any individual, but the club that uses the most balls is bound to pay the largest share into the League treasury. Hence considerable care is used in dealing them out.

Source The Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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