Clipping:Reduced admission in St. Louis 2

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, June 8, 1890

In order to increase the attendance at Sportsman's Park, the management has practically cut the admission to twenty cents. This is how it is done. At every game coupon score-books will be sold for a quarter and the coupon will entitle the purchaser to one admission. The regular score-book will also be on sale for the usual nickel. The Philadelphia Times June 8, 1890

Brooklyn AA Club to home games on the Polo Grounds

Manager Kennedy of the Brooklyn Association team has made arrangements whereby, in the absence of the National League team, his club will play at the Polo grounds. The first game will be played there to-morrow afternoon with the Syracuse Stars.

“Yes,” said Manager Kennedy to a Sun reporters yesterday. “I think we ought to draw pretty good crowds. The National and Players' League clubs of both this city and Brooklyn will be away, and I will have the field all to myself. My team is now playing first-class ball, which is shown by the fact that it defeated the strong Rochesters two out of three games last week, and one game was a tie.

“The admission being only twenty-five cents will bring out a goodly number of people who many times stay away from the other games. Is hall continue to play Sunday games at Ridgewoood. There need be no fear that Brooklyn will get out of the American Association, as I consider that I have now the strongest team in the Association. There was a great deal of hard luck for us at the beginning of the season, and that gave th4e croakers a chance to circulate all manner of stories concerning Brooklyn's weakness, in none of which there was any truth. You can rest assured that we will make the other teams hustle from now on.” New York Sun June 8, 1890 [N.B. Future games were in fact played on the Polo Grounds.]

Source Philadelphia Times
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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