Clipping:King Kelly endorses the Decker glove

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19C Clippings

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Date Saturday, May 10, 1890

[Francis Richter reports:] While the Bostons were in town last week, Mike Kelly sauntered in Reach's store on Market street one day and to the surprise of everybody greeted Al. Reach in the most friendly manner. Al. was no less cordiak, and to the pleausre as well as amusement of the lookers-on the rival magnates were apparently upon the most friendly terms, and one would have imagined that no such thing as a war was in progress. What took Kelly to Reach's was the fact that he had to get one of Reach's patent lace mitts, which Kelly vowed he couldn't get along without, and which he is so pleased with that before he left Reach he gave the latter unsolicited the following testimonial:

Philadelphia, May 3.--Friend Reach:--Notwithstanding I am connected with a rival organization candor compels me to say you have the best catching glove I have ever seen, and I have seen them all. I refer to your patent lace mitt. You are at liberty to use my name as an endorsement of it in such manner as you choose. Yours truly, M. J. Kelly, Boston Club.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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