Clipping:Payment for freelance scouting

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, April 2, 1890

[from Tim Murnane's column] In the summer of '88 I received a letter from the Detroit management asking me if I knew of any good batsmen in the New England League, saying they would pay me for any information. I wrote back that Sam Laroque, then with Lynn, was about the heaviest batting infielder in New England. In a few days I received a telegram asking what his release would cost. I didn't care to go down to Lynn and spend my own money, as I had no assurance that I would get it back from Detroit, so I sent the Detroit management the figures that Manager Murphy had given the Boston Club. My answer was something like this:-- “anywhere from $1000 to $1500; you can find out by inquiring of the Lynn management.” That was all the business I had with the Detroit people at the time.

In a few days the Western people commenced doing business direct with Lynn, which was going into the soup fast, and consequently the price of players was going down. If I remember right, Detroit got their man for about $500. They might have got him for near that figure for all I know, but I didn't care, as I said before, to waste my time in trying to find out. I considered my services wroth at least $100 for naming the man, as I have always been paid liberally giving my judgment about young players. After Laroque reached Detroit I sent those people word that they were indebted to me. I got word back from Bob Leadley asking me to send on my bill, which I did, for $25.

This letter was not answered, but on meeting Mr. Leadley in Boston afterwards, I told him what I thought of the whole affair, and he intimated that I would receive the amount due me. Time has flown, and no money has yet shown up. The above is a true statement of facts which I am willing to make oath to. I have been before the American base ball public for a good many years, and not fearing to speak my mind, would have such men as Mathison [reporter for the Detroit Free Press] after me all the time if they could point out a wrong I ever did.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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