Clipping:The old Nationals recruited George Fox with a civil service job 2

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19C Clippings

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Date Sunday, February 2, 1890

[from the Washington correspondent] [from an interview of Senator Gorman] “That reminds me of how the Nationals on one occasion obtained a player who afterward proved to be one of the star men. Our nine had gone to Georgetown college to play a game, and before the contest began our attention was attracted by a tall, slim young fellow who was batting the ball up for the boys and dring the ball over the fence at the southern end of the inclosure. Upon inquiry we ascertained that the heavy batter was George Fox, and that he had just graduated and was preparing to go to his home in New York. He was questioned and urged to remain in Washington, the ample inducement offered him being a position in a Government department, for in those days there was no such thing as civil service reform, and the majority of our members were men who held offici9al positions, and wielded a great deal of influence. Our arguments proved too potent for Fox, and he consented to remain with us, and we never regretted our bargain. Some of this long drives to the willows on the White House grounds will live in the memory of the old-timers who witnessed them.

Source The Philadelphia Sunday Item
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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