Clipping:Allocating minor leaguers among NL clubs

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, January 8, 1890

...the parceling out of some purchased players by the negotiations committee—Young, Byrne and Reach—who met in President Reach's office Dec. 31 for that purpose. The men disposed of were short stop Long, first baseman Stearns and outfielder Hamilton, of the Kansas City Club. Philadelphia, New York, Boston, Cleveland and Chicago were bidders,and the price was run up so that it was decided to dispose of them by lot. Slips were prepared and placed in a hat and the drawing began. Nick Young was blindfolded and he drew out the slips. Hamilton was the first player drawn for. Boston and New York drew blanks and then Philadelphia got the first prize. Long came next and Boston got him, much to President Reach's disgust, and then Boston's luck again held good and Danny Stearns fell to that club. The consent of the men to play in the cities to which they are assigned is yet to be secured. The price paid by the League for the release of the three men is said to be $8500.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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