Clipping:Baltimore reportedly applies for readmission to the AA

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, January 8, 1890

[from Joe Pritchard's column] Mr. Barnie has applied to the American Association for admittance, and this, too, after having left his old comrades in what he thought was the nine hole. The Association will, no doubt, take Barnie back into their fold again, but if they give him what he deserves, they will tell him that there is no room in the Association for Baltimore. There was, no doubt, an understanding between Barnie and a certain League magnate that Baltimore would be taken care of if she would only jump the Association. That Washington and Baltimore would be consolidated, and the goose would hang high. The League magnate referred to is a new man in the older organization, and he soon found out that he could not do for Barnie what he had promised to do, and now the latter has rapped on the Association door for admission, and Baltimore will, no doubt, be counted in at Rochester next week. The Sporting Life January 8, 1890

[reporting the AA special meeting of 1/6/1890]For the other vacancy in the eastern circuit President Phelps presented a letter from Manager Barnie, of Baltimore, asking for admission on condition that the roster be made up of twelve clubs. This proposition brought out a long debate, and by unanimous vote the membership was fixed at eight clubs. The advisability of accepting Baltimore as the eighth member of the Association, that club having forfeited its membership by withdrawal, was discussed at considerable length, and with a wide difference of opinion. It was felt that the present Baltimore management had not treated the Association squarely by deserting it when it was in a tight place, and the delegates finally decided to lay the club's application on the table... The Sporting Life January 15, 1890 (also The Evening Item Philadelphia January 7, 1890)

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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