Clipping:The Brotherhood contract and the Brush plan

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, October 9, 1889

[editorial matter] The general feeling is that the battle for supremacy—to decide whether the club organization or the players' organizations shall rule—must come sooner or later, and it might just as well come now as a year later. Indeed, that much might have been expected when the League recognized the Brotherhood and treated with it as with a co-equal power. Ever since that time the issue has been sharpening, and it has now narrowed itself to this alternative: Either the classification law or the Brotherhood contract must go, as the two are so utterly at variance and so conflicting as to be absolutely irreconcilable. The classification rule is regarded as essential to the League's existence, because it seeks to establish a limit to the never-ending demands of the players, to check financial extravagance and to enable clubs to live and realize something for the capital involved and the risk assumed. The Brotherhood contract practically nullifies all that the classification rule seeks to establish, inasmuch as its fundamental principal is a perpetuation of existing salaries, and the clause which binds a club not to reserve a player at less salary than his contract had called for, virtually making the classification and salary limit rule a dead letter, as under that clause a player who for any cause fails to maintain his standing in the class to which he was assigned originally cannot be graded into a lower class with reduced salary. That clause in the contract forbids reduction of previous salary and virtually makes a Class A player always a Class A player so long as his club considers him necessary enough to reserve, no matter how much he may deteriorate in skill and value.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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