Clipping:Spalding buys out Reach's sporting goods retail business

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, September 4, 1889

The biggest sporting deal of the season, and, in its way, the biggest on record, was quietly consummated in Philadelphia during the week. On that day Messrs. A. G. Spalding and Brown, of the Chicago branch of the great sporting goods house of Spalding Bros., and Manager J. W. Curtis, of the New York branch, arrived in Philadelphia simultaneously, and before the shades of evening fell their mission was accomplished, and with one bold stroke Spalding Bros. had absorbed their great rival, the A. J. Reach Company, lock, stock and barrel, and made themselves supreme in American, and, in fact, the chief sporting goods house in the world.

The deal goes into effect November 1, when the Reach Company goes out of existence and Spalding Bros. Enter into possession of the great store at 10-22 Market St. By the terms of the deal they secure that store, all its stock and fixtures, the good will of the company, which gives to Spalding Bros. Exclusive control of a great, valuable, and widely extended business, all the patents, patterns and tools for the manufacture of the elaborate and unequaled gymnasium apparatus, of which the Reach Company had a monopoly, and which cannot be duplicated anywhere in the world, and a number of other patents and other rights in various sporting lines. The price paid for this great plant and business is something over $100,000. The members of the Reach Company retire permanently from the retail and general sporting goods business, leaving Spalding Bros. in undisputed control for all time, and retain only their wholesale base ball supply business, confining themselves solely to the manufacture of base ball supplies and of the famous Reach balls, at the big Frankford factory, so the American Association is in no danger of losing its splendid ball.

For Spalding Bros. this great deal means practical control of the world in their line, as, with houses located in New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Melbourne and London,and with minor branches in nearly every important city in the United States and Canada, and with vast capital at its command, the firm is now in position to easily maintain its supremacy indefinitely.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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