Clipping:Salary payments on the road

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, July 17, 1889

Some one telegraphed from Boston last night that there was a great row among the members of the Indianapolis ball team because they had not been paid off in that city on the 15th. President Brush was seen by a reporter and asked regarding the matter. He said there was no trouble whatever, and if any member of the club wanted money all he had to do was to ask Manager Bancroft for it. “It has been our custom this season,” he continued, “to pay our men on the 1 st and 15th of each month, no matter whether they are at home or abroad. There is probably not another club in the League that does this, as it is not required, and we only did it to accommodate the players. The contracts of the men specify that they are to be paid on the dates named when they are at home, but not while they are away on their trips. We intended to pay off in Boston on the 15th, as usual, but as the club is to be at home on the 25th we concluded to wait until that time. We telegraphed this to Manager Bancroft with instructions to advance the men any amounts they might want. I think no one can complain of this and it is probable that the report is simply the work of some sensational idiot who wants to get into the papers.” Indianapolis Journal July 17, 1889

a ground rule for a puddle

[Indianapolis vs. New York 7/20/1889] The final ball game of the New York-Indianapolis series was played under very discouraging circumstances at the Polo grounds this afternoon. There was a heavy rain-fall last night, and the ball field was in a very bad condition in consequence. There was a small lake in left field, and on that account a ground rule was made, under which a hit to that territory, no matter how long, could only yield two bases. Boys, with trousers rolled up, were engaged to fish the ball out when it went into the miniature lake. In trying to get a fly ball, Sullivan went into the water once nearly up to his knees. Indianapolis Journal July 21, 1889

Source Indianapolis Journal
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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