Clipping:Talk of an Association brotherhood

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, July 3, 1889

[from the Louisville correspondent] The St. Louis men being here to play their series, they and the Louisville men held several conferences Saturday evening and night, and the news got out that they had organized an Association Brotherhood of Base Ball Players, patterned after that of the League. All the players of each club joined it. They were very secret about the affair and refused absolutely to talk to any reporters concerning it. I asked several of them if such an association had been formed, but they politely refused to say yes or no and walked away. That such a society has been formed there is no doubt, but the exact nature of its regulations and aims cannot be defined. A paper was drawn up and all the men signed it. A copy of this paper was taken away by the St. Louis men when they left and the original was carried with the Louisvilles when they went to Kansas City, so I am informed. For some time it had been intended to take such a step as this by the Association players and the plan had been hurried up by the treatment of the Louisville players at Baltimore. They and St. Louis will carry the articles of agreements to all the other clubs to sign.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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