Clipping:Spalding's response to the Brotherhood meeting

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, May 29, 1889

President Spalding, of the Chicago Club, was nailed as soon as he reached home. When told that the Brotherhood had a secret meeting at New York Sunday, that every club in the League was represented, and that the object was to formulate a plan of action looking toward rebellion, the president of the Chicago Club professed ignorance of any such meeting. “I didn't hear anything about it. What does the Brotherhood want?” he asked, and when told that the ball players' organization felt aggrieved over the adoption of the classification rule, in that the League magnates had violated their agreement with the Brotherhood, and that the National Agreement had been used for purposed for which it was never designed, Mr. Spalding said:-- “Oh, pshaw! The players won't do anything. It's all talk. What will we do if the players rebel? Why, we'll go right along just as we have for the last thirteen years. But there is nothing in it. The players have too much sense to attempt anything of the kind.

Source The Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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