Clipping:Exaggerated attendance figures

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, May 8, 1889

President Byrne, in speaking of the exaggeration indulged in by the Philadelphians about the crowds at their grounds, says of the large attendance the Brooklyns had in one game there: “There was an exceptionally large crowd on the Athletics’ ground in our game. Ropes were stretched all around the field and we were compelled to make special ground rules. There was a gib crowd there, and the lowest number I have heard estimated is 12,000, and I am informed that the Athletic management gave out 15,000 as the figure. As a matter of fact there were about 10,000 people on the ground. This much I am certain of, and that is that the Brooklyn Club was paid for 9.935 admissions at the three gates. It is these false reports about the sizes of crowds,” continued Mr. Byrne, “that sets the ball players crazy and makes the jump up in salaries. Now, over in Brooklyn we never lie about our crowds. There are the turnstiles, and the exact number of persons passing through them are given to the press and the public. That is what the turnstiles are for.

Source Brooklyn Eagle
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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