Clipping:Organization of the Chicago Commercial League

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, February 6, 1889

[from a letter from Jno. T. Pope to Chadwick] Last season we rented three of the amateur parks, which are enclosed, charging a small fee, 10 cents, for expenses of umpire and scorer. There were no restrictions placed upon clubs securing players, save that no remuneration must be given in any way for services rendered. A list of 12 players was sent in before the playing season, and only players on that list could play with the club which sent in their names. This brought in our ranks many professional and semi-professional players, who spent most of their time playing through Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Indiana, Michigan, etc., but returned Saturday and Sunday to play in our and the City league. This was, I think, unfair to the mercantile boys, who had no time for practice, only just before the game, and gave some clubs an advantage over others. Almost one-half of our players, too, belonged to the City League, which plays every Sunday afternoon. They received from $2 to #6 per game, according to the crowd.

Source Sporting Life
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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