Clipping:Indoor baseball in Philadelphia

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19C Clippings

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Date Wednesday, December 26, 1888

The first attempt to play base ball indoors in this city [Philadelphia] was made this afternoon in the main building of the Pennsylvania State Fair grounds. The teams were made up of a few of the professionals wintering in this city, and were divided into teams called “Up-Town” and “Down-Town.” The latter team included such well-known players as Clements, Andrews, Welch, Burns, and Fusselback, and they scored a comparatively easy victory by the score of 6 to 1. Kilroy and Knouft were the only prominent players on the “Up-Town” team. The diamond was rather small, but the ball used rendered run-getting a rather difficult task. About 2,000 persons witnessed the game, which, taken altogether, could not be considered a glittering success. Chicago Tribune December 26, 1888

The intelligent party who sent out stories on the Philadelphia indoor game on Tuesday writes thus of it: “The diamond was about twenty feet smaller than the regulation size, the ball was not as lively as the professional ball, runners were permitted to overrun the bases and only one fielder was used on a side. Outside these few changes the game was much like the ordinary base ball contest.” It must have been very like “ordinary base ball.” Cleveland Plain Dealer December 27, 1888

Source Chicago Tribune
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Submitted by Richard Hershberger
Origin Initial Hershberger Clippings


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